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108 items found in the library

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Risks and rewards: Outcomes of labour migration in South-East Asia

Even though labour migration has never featured more prominently within ASEAN than it does today, there remains a dearth of reliable data that can be applied for the development of evidence-based policy and programming. Due to the temporary and irregular nature of much of the migration occurring within the region, the realities faced by migrant workers are often hidden from view. This study helps to fill the knowledge gap on the socio-economic outcomes of migration into low-skilled work within ASEAN.

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Eliminating and Preventing Forced Labour: Checkpoints App

This mobile app allows business managers and auditors to create interactive checklists that help ensure a forced labour-free operation. There are 38 checkpoints in total – each one provides best-practice recommendations for taking action. The app is available in Android and iOS versions. PDF files of the check points are also available.

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ILO standards on forced labour and the new Protocol and Recommendation at a glance

Together, the ILO’s forced labour instruments – including the new Protocol and Recommendation, as well as Conventions Nos. 29 and 105 – provide all actors with a comprehensive strategy and set of tools to address the challenge of the elimination of all forms of forced labour. The Protocol and Recommendation bring ILO standards against forced labour into the modern era. The ILO prepared this brochure in response to requests from ILO constituents (government, employers' organizations and workers' representatives) for information about the new instruments and their provisions.

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UNSDG Social protection coordination toolkit

This toolkit provides policymakers and practitioners with an applied and adaptable framework with which to assess the state of coordination in their social protection systems. It also provides examples of efforts to improve coordination from different countries around the world. 

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Online course: Preventing and addressing forced labour and trafficking in persons in East and South-East Asia

This online course was developed to help participants have a clearer understanding of issues such as forced labour, trafficking in persons, substandard working conditions and labour migration, as well as of the root causes and vulnerabilities that put people at risk of falling victims to labour exploitation. It builds upon ILO’s experience in combating forced labour and promoting decent work and aims to equip participants with the necessary tools to identify and respond to cases of exploitation of workers, as well as to strengthen prevention measures. The course is aimed at people who are actively involved in the prevention, identification and prosecution of cases of forced labour and trafficking in persons.

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ILO-IOE Child Labour Guidance Tool for Business

This tool was created jointly by the ILO and ILO GBNFL Partner the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) as a resource for companies to meet the due diligence requirements laid out in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as they pertain to child labour.

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Profits and poverty: The economics of forced labour

This report highlights how forced labour – which in the private economy generates US$ 150 billion in illegal profits per year, about three times more than previously estimated – thrives in the incubator of poverty and vulnerability, low levels of education and literacy, migration and other factors. The evidence presented illustrates the need for stronger measures of prevention and protection, as well as for enhanced law enforcement, as the basic responses to forced labour. At the same time, the report offers new knowledge of the determinants of forced labour, including a range of figures that break down profits by area of forced labour and by region.

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Hard to see, harder to count: Survey guidelines to estimate forced labour of adults and children

Reliable national statistics are essential to understand the nature and extent of forced labour, its causes and consequences, and to inform policy-makers and other stakeholders involved in action against forced labour. Regular data collection also enables the assessment of progress and impact of the implementation of policy, action plans and specific programmes and projects to eradicate forced labour. This guide provides guidance on how to collect data on forced labour using surveys.

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CNN Freedom Project

This website features high quality videos on forced labour, forced labour of children, sex trafficking, and more.

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General Survey concerning the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105): Report of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (articles 19, 22 and 35 of the Constitution)

The ILO's Committee of Experts regularly reviews progress against key international labour standards. In 2007 the Committee noted that while some improvement had been made on forced labour eradication, such as a reduction in state-imposed forced labour, forced labour regretably continues to exist in a number of countries.

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