Forced labour does not occur in isolation. To mark the 2021 International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour and the fifth Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in 2022, our second podcast series looks at how forced labour is linked to child labour, environmental degradation, climate change and illicit trade, and how these issues can be tackled successfully together.
Podcast episodes
Episode 4: Climate change, migration, and child and forced labour.
This episode features an interview with Rainforest Alliance expert, Rachel Rigby, on how climate change increases vulnerability to child and forced labour and what we can do about it.
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To read more about this topic and the work of Rainforest Alliance, explore these articles:
Episode 5: Child and forced labour and environmental degradation in the fishing sector.
World Wildlife Fund expert Corey Norton sets out how environmental degradation, child and forced labour are linked, and what some of the solutions are. This short podcast looks in particular at fisheries crimes.
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Useful resources Corey mentions include:
- Kevin Bales, 2016. Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide, and the Secret to Saving the World
- UNU Centre for Policy Research, 2021. Developing Freedom: The Sustainable Development Case for Ending Modern Slavery, Forced Labour and Human Trafficking
Episode 6: Child and forced labour, human trafficking and illicit trade.
Ulrika Bonnier from the TRACIT – The Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade, an ILO GBNFL member, tells us how child and forced labour are linked to crimes and criminal networks and proposes actions.
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Learn more about TRACIT’s work on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Episode 7: Une conversation sur le travail forcé et des enfants en Côte d’Ivoire.
This longer, more in-depth podcast (in French) looks at the shared root causes of child and forced labour in Côte d’Ivoire. The podcast explores the actions by employers’ organizations and the government that have been particularly successful at tackling both and sketches out next steps. The podcast features interviews with Edouard Ladouyou from ILO GBNFL member CGECI (the Confederation of Businesses of the Côte d’Ivoire), Mariame Bédié from the Consortium of Cocoa and Coffee Exporters (GEPEX), and Ndri Koffi from the National Union of Agricultural and Forestry Enterprises (UNEMAF).
Ce podcast plus long et plus approfondi (en français) examine les causes profondes communes du travail des enfants et du travail forcé en Côte d’Ivoire. Le podcast explore les actions des organisations d’employeurs et du gouvernement qui ont particulièrement bien réussi à s’attaquer à ces deux fléaux et esquisse les prochaines étapes. Le podcast présente des interviews avec Edouard Ladouyou de la Confédération Générale des Entreprises de Côte d’Ivoire (CGECI, un membre de la OIT GBNFL), Mariame Bédié du Groupement Professionnel des Exportateurs de Café et de Cacao (GEPEX), et Ndri Koffi de l’Union Nationale de Entreprises Agricoles et Forestières (UNEMAF).
Episode 8: Erradicar el trabajo forzoso y el trabajo infantil en México
5 MAY 2022
This special edition, in-depth podcast (in Spanish) marks the fifth Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour and rounds off our second podcast series.
The podcast features interviews with four expert speakers from businesses and employer and business membership organizations who all have first-hand experience in tackling forced labour and child labour. Together, they cover topics from the business case for ending forced labour and child labour, to fair recruitment, the impact of COVID-19, the roles of certification, formalization, social protection, capacity building, and more.
To listen, and for more information, click here
Esta edición especial del podcast (en español) marca la quinta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Eliminación del Trabajo Infantil. También es el último episodio de esta serie de podcasts.
El podcast presenta entrevistas con cuatro expositores expertos de empresas y de organizaciones empresariales y de empleadores que tienen experiencia de primera mano en la lucha contra el trabajo forzoso y el trabajo infantil. Entre ellos abarcan varios temas relacionados con estos dos problemas incluyendo la visión del sector privado para su erradicación, la contratación equitativa, el impacto del COVID-19, la importancia de las certificaciones, la formalización laboral, la seguridad social y el desarrollo de capacidades, entre otros.
Para escuchar, y para más información, haga clic aquí