The ILO and Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) partnered to co-organize the webinar on “Preventing forced labour in Malaysia through responsible business practices.”
The webinar provided a platform to share knowledge on:
- How forced labour can be prevented through fair recruitment practices consistent with the “General principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment and definition of recruitment fees and related costs.
- Good practices on addressing risks of forced labour during recruitment and employment based on the MEF-ILO Employers’ Guide on business responsibility on preventing and addressing forced labour in Malaysia.
Welcome message and objectives of the webinar were delivered by Dato Mah Weng Kwai, SUHAKAM Commissioner. Followed by tips from MEF-ILO guide on employers’ responsibility on preventing and addressing forced labour in Malaysia presented by Jodelen Mitra, ILO Bridge Project Technical Officer. This was followed by a panel discussion with representatives from the Department of Labour, Malaysian Employers Federation, Malaysian Bar Councla and the Responsible Business Alliance. Over 400 people registered for the event.