An introduction to forced labour of children for businesses

This brief for businesses of all sizes introduces forced labour of children in the private economy. It also outlines actions for the business community to help meet Sustainable Development Target 8.7, which aims to end child labour by 2025 and forced labour by 2030.


High-level recommended actions for businesses

  • Make a commitment and act on it.
    Regardless of company size, a commitment to addressing forced labour of children is paramount.
  • Target action.
    Understanding the nature of forced labour of children is key to tackling it. Address forced labour of children where it is most prevalent, including in domestic economies and lower tiers of supply chains.
  • Identify risks.
    Gather information on risk factors and act accordingly. Apply the ILO’s 11 indicators of forced labour while bearing in mind that children are generally more vulnerable than adults to coercion and deception.
  • Collaborate, collaborate, collaborate.
    Companies stand to benefit from working with employer and business membership organizations, worker representative organizations, child and forced labour experts, as well as local stakeholders.
  • Work with relevant authorities and/or experts to remove children from forced labour.
    Where forced labour of children is identified, coordinate with (local) experts and respected authorities to remove the child(ren) from the situation as soon as safely feasible. Ensure this is done in a manner that preserves the immediate and long-term interests of the child.
  • Recognize the role of national governments and advocate for action.
    Businesses can play an important role in eradicating forced labour of children, but they cannot do it alone. National governments, regional authorities and local institutions must create and enforce the right regulatory framework.