ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labour members are businesses of all sizes and sectors, as well as employer and business membership organizations including industry trade groups and sectoral associations. Other business-led initiatives with complementary mandates and expertise are encouraged to join as partners.
For more detailed information on the Network, see our frequently asked questions document.
Members & Partners
Tap into the ILO’s unparalleled global convening power among governments, workers, and employers.
Draw on the expertise and experience of leading industry initiatives, global brands, and the ILO.
Receive official recognition for measured contributions to the SDGs.
Get help navigating the complex landscape of actors, mechanisms, and resources that tackle forced labour across different regulatory environments and supply chains.
Be seen as a global leader and gain visibility through ILO, ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labour and UN communications.
contacting us
Read more about signing up
Access the expertise, tools and networks you need to raise the bar.
How to join as a company
As a result of our partnership, more businesses and governments will take more, better and faster action to end forced labour.
How to join as a network
Our impact is greater when we pool our skills, experience and knowledge.
How to join as a partner
All members & partners commit to
Take concrete steps to eradicate forced labour in all its forms in their organizations, supply chains, member organizations, sectors and beyond.
Advocate for a comprehensive and coordinated response to eradicate forced labour, including in dealings with government bodies.
Uphold the principles of inclusivity and collaboration when working with other stakeholders to end forced labour.
Members benefit from access to Alliance 8.7

- Community access
- Events
- Contacts
- Resources
- Recognized contributions
As an Alliance 8.7 Partner, we directly contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Alliance 8.7 is the global partnership set up to deliver on Sustainable Development Target 8.7 and eradicate forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour around the world.
Businesses are not able to join Alliance 8.7 but as ILO GBNFL members, companies have direct access to the Alliance 8.7 community, including events, contacts and resources. Member contributions to achieving Target 8.7 are formally recognized.
We collaborate with Alliance 8.7 on the Modern Slavery Map, which features initiatives partnering with the private sector to combat human trafficking.